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Mahoromatic maiden complete

Category: Anime
Genre: Romance/Shojo
Language: Japanese
Description: new
Region 0 so plays in any dvd player

Suguru's horrible cleaning skills have his friends calling his home the "haunted house," and being an orphan, he needs help! Enter Mahoro, a beautiful 19 year old who catches bullets with her fingers, claims to be an android and who wants to be his maid! Mahoro is a combat android who has a choice-her existence will end in 37 days if she continues to fight-or she can become a maid for an orphaned teen and live for 398 more days! Now, Suguru's school friends are suspicious and his well-endowed teacher is going over the edge with jealousy. How will he react when he discovers that she only has 398 days to live and that she has chosen him for a reason?

Offered by: Neokitty
Will trade for: anything
Location: Mount Holly , NC , United States

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